Installing or fixing a gib board to the ceiling is a Do-it-yourself job that can definitely save you a lot of money. But before you begin, make sure there are no live wires in the area where you are working, you should take help of an electrician for this. Before installing the plasterboard to the ceiling make sure to throw the bags of batts in the roof space, if you are planning to insulate your ceiling.
Here some easy to follow steps you should consider when installing a quality ceiling. However, these suggestions are not a substitute for the complete details given in relevant to GIB ® technical literature:
If you want to achieve a stable substrate, the use of GIB® Rondo® metal ceiling battens is best recommended. Remember preparing the substrate is imperative to achieve a good finish. Before installing the GIB board make sure that the surface is as straight and flat as possible.
Always remember that all the ceiling battens run the same way in a ceiling plane. Even though doing this may require the installation of some extra nogging, but it is important to make sure that all the sheets’ edge joints will be running in the same direction.
Plasterboard is a very important finishing material, so you must handle it properly with care. In the application of plasterboard to ceiling, standard gib board with a 13mm thickness is more rigid and less prone to sagging rather than one with 10 mm thickness. According to experts, GIB Standard plasterboard with a 13mm thickness are supported at not more than 600 mm centres. This results in the less use of battens for the job as well as less fasteners. This means you can achieve an overall smoother and a better finish. Overall, this system is very cost-effective as well as less prone to the defects in finishing, when batten, plasterboard costs and labor are taken into consideration.
Important Note – A 10mm GIB board is significantly more prone to sagging as compared to the use of 13mm plasterboard on the same batten spacing. Provided the ceiling sag can be expanded, due to the wet, humid conditions which is widespread across many regions of New Zealand. So in order to meet the high expectations of the New Zealand market, we recommend the use of 10 mm plasterboard at 450 mm batten spacing and 13mm plasterboard at 600mm.
The long-lasting uniformly distributed loads like fixtures and fittings or overlaid insulation should not exceed 3kg/m2, unless they are supported independently. This is important to avoid the sagging in GIB plasterboard ceilings.
Back blocking is a technique used to reinforce plasterboard joints to reduce the cracking and peaking of joints. It helps to strengthen and stabilize the joints between GIB board sheets. It is mainly used to reinforce the point where butt joints arise, but is also suggested for the joints on the sheet edges.
While fixing the GIB plasterboards to the ceilings, make sure that the sheets must be fixed at right angles to the ceiling framing.
Placing the control joints in the concrete is the best and most commonly used method to control the random cracks that may occur in the concrete slabs. Make sure to install the control joints in large open ceiling planes exceeding 12m or points. As cracking is more often predictable in these planes like at changes in direction.
You can consult with your local GIB stopping experts for more details.